Does Your Website Tell Customers WHY They Should Book Directly ?
We were chatting with one freetobook customer this week who was alarmed at the growing number of rooms sold via rather than her own website and to make matters worse, a returning customer had re-booked using the OTA! With a few clicks all became clear. The property’s website was overly cluttered, out of date with offers from the Christmas holidays and it wasn’t clear there was an online booking facility.
Does your website tell potential customers WHY they should book directly with you? The OTA’s do a brilliant job at converting lookers to bookers. From the ‘last room, last chance’ popups in red lettering, they create a sense of urgency to drive through that final click to book.
It’s worth saying once again …
Place your BOOKING BUTTON on the top left hand side if you possibly can. Advertisers pay a premium for this ‘sweet spot’.
HIGHLIGHT to potential bookers that they will get the BEST POSSIBLE PRICE (with no commission) by booking on your website.
Add in fresh, positive reviews onto your front page. Update very regularly!
Other general website design tips to remember …
How well do other folk feel you are marketing your accommodation? Ask friends and business associates whose opinions you trust to spent time on your website. Their feedback may highlight some great new suggestions or angles.
Make your website look as professional as possible, it’s your number one marketing tool. It’s worth considering giving it a timely overhaul with the help of a website designer.
Beautiful images SELL. Refresh images of your property seasonally, there is nothing more off-putting than searching for a summer retreat only to find the main photos on the property’s website show a winter wonderland!
Write concise (less is more!), appealing copy about your property and what visitors can expect on arrival.
The post Does Your Website Tell Customers WHY They Should Book Directly ? appeared first on FreeToBook.